Medical Leave of Absence Policy

On this page you can find the official Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA) Policy for Georgetown University. The policy is broken down into sections for ease of navigation and a PDF version of the entire policy is available to download via the button below.
If you have questions regarding this Policy, please contact the DOS via email.
Voluntary Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA) Policy
Georgetown University (“University”) recognizes that students may experience physical and/or mental health issues that significantly limit their ability to function successfully or safely in their role as students. In those situations, students should consider requesting a medical leave of absence (“MLOA”), which permits students to take a break from University life and their studies, receive appropriate treatment and support, and later return to the University to complete their studies.
Georgetown University has designed this policy to ensure that students are given the individualized attention, consideration, and support needed to address health issues that arise or escalate during their time at the University. This policy outlines a flexible and individualized process that students should follow to request a MLOA.
This policy is administered by the University’s Student Affairs Dean of Students or designee (“DOS”) . In implementing this policy, the DOS convenes and is advised by an ad hoc MLOA Committee (“MLOA Committee”), which includes undergraduate advising deans or appropriate academic administrator designated by School in which the student is enrolled to consult on MLOA requests (collectively, “Academic Administrator”) and other relevant offices.
All forms referenced in the MLOA Policy can be found online.
Scope and Applicability
This policy applies to undergraduate students, graduate students, and students enrolled in the Georgetown University School of Medicine. For students taking classes at the Georgetown University Qatar campus (“GU-Q”), all DOS responsibilities under this Policy will be performed by the Dean of Students for GU-Q with consultation with the DOS.
This policy does not apply to students enrolled in the Georgetown University Law Center (“GULC”). For information regarding a leave of absence at GULC, consult the Georgetown Law Student Handbook of Academic Policies.
This policy applies to students who are currently on a MLOA and students who request a MLOA on or after January 2, 2024.
Other Types of Leave of Absence
Students may also be eligible to take other types of leave from their academic program:
- Undergraduate students should consult the Undergraduate Bulletin, and contact their advising dean’s office for more information.
- Graduate students should consult the Graduate Bulletin, and the handbook for the School in which the student is enrolled for more information.
- School of Medicine students should consult the School of Medicine Student Handbook (“GUSOM Handbook”).
Impacts of Taking a Medical Leave of Absence
Undergraduate and graduate students will have different impacts and needs associated with taking an MLOA. The goal is for the DOS to help facilitate the student gathering the information necessary to determine if a MLOA is appropriate for them. When considering whether a MLOA is the best option, students should consider the following information regarding this pathway:
- A MLOA allows a student to obtain the care and support that they need to return to their studies when they are ready.
- While on MLOA, a staff member from Student Outreach and Support (“SOS”) may check in with students periodically to discuss their progress and prepare for a safe and healthy return.
- A MLOA may allow a student to initiate a leave of absence and withdraw from classes later in the semester than is normally permitted for personal leaves of absence.
- For undergraduate students with tuition reimbursement insurance, a MLOA generally qualifies a student for benefits under tuition insurance plans they may carry. Please be sure to check the insurance policy to confirm coverage.
- Students should also check with the following offices to discuss potential impact of a MLOA:
- The Academic Administrator to discuss possible incomplete(s), withdrawal(s), and future course schedules;
- Office of Student Financial Services for financial aid, grants, and scholarships;
- Office of Global Services for visas for international students;
- Office of Global Education for study abroad;
- The Athletics Department for student athletes; and/or
- Office of Residential Living for students who live on campus.
- All students are subject to the applicable tuition refund policies, which may be impacted by when the student is approved for a MLOA. It is possible that no refund may be available, depending on the student’s particular circumstances.
- Graduate students with federal grants, private grants, or other non-institutional funding sources should discuss the impact of a MLOA with the Joint Office of Research Administration.
- Taking a MLOA does not impact review of academic standing and possible academic probation, suspension, or dismissal/termination. Matters of academic policy are the purview of the school in which the student is enrolled.
- Taking a MLOA does not impact any pending disciplinary processes, which may process while a student is requesting an MLOA, and sanction up to and including expulsion.
Medical Leave of Absence Procedures
The following procedures provide for an individualized approach for assessing a student’s eligibility to take a MLOA and be reinstated following a MLOA. These procedures are designed to be reasonable and flexible.
Requesting a MLOA
Students who are experiencing physical and/or mental health issues that significantly limit their ability to function successfully or safely in their role as students may request a voluntary MLOA by submitting an online MLOA Request Form. If a student is unable to submit the online MLOA Request Form, the student or the student’s authorized representative may contact the DOS to discuss the best way to request a MLOA. A MLOA can be requested up until the last day of classes for the semester, unless the student can demonstrate extenuating circumstances that prevented the student from requesting the MLOA before the end of classes (such as, a car accident causing the injuries that necessitate a leave after the last day of classes). The DOS will determine whether there are extenuating circumstances sufficient to consider the request after the last day of classes.
A student’s MLOA request must be supported by a recommendation from a treating healthcare provider, which may include the University’s Counseling and Psychiatric Services (“CAPS”) or the Student Health Center, or another healthcare provider on- or off-campus (hereinafter referred to as the “Provider”). A Provider may not be related to the student by blood or marriage. A student seeking a MLOA should request that a Provider complete the Treating Healthcare Provider MLOA Recommendation Form or provide the student with a recommendation letter on the Provider’s letterhead, explaining:
- The student’s physical and/or mental health condition;
- How the physical and/or mental health condition has significantly limited the student’s ability to function successfully or safely in their role as a student;
- The reasons a MLOA is recommended;
- Individualized treatment recommendations designed to help the student become academically and personally ready to return to the University; and
- An estimate of when the student may be ready to return to the University.
The student may upload the Provider’s recommendation as supporting documentation with the MLOA Request Form or may provide the recommendation to the DOS during the initial meeting described below. The DOS has the discretion to waive the requirement to provide a recommendation from a Provider if the need for a MLOA is obvious and does not require information from a Provider to evaluate the medical need for a leave of absence.
The DOS may require the student to meet with the DOS if the DOS determines that a meeting is necessary to evaluate the MLOA Request Form. Once the MLOA form is submitted, the DOS will contact the student to provide a meeting in person, by telephone, or through electronic means. The intent of the meeting is for the DOS to receive comprehensive understanding of the student’s situation, to help the student understand the process and the impact of taking a MLOA, to consider other possible options or interventions that the University can offer in lieu of a MLOA, and to make clear the University services that will be available to the student upon return from a MLOA. The DOS has created a Checklist as well as FAQs for the student to review.
The DOS may request that the student provide a Release of Information Form to permit the DOS to communicate with the Provider to better understand the recommendations and need for a MLOA or to share information with the University’s healthcare providers, including CAPS and the Student Health Center. If a Provider has their own release form, the DOS can accept the Provider’s form, as long as it authorizes the DOS to receive and share information from the Provider and share information with the University’s healthcare providers, including CAPS and the Student Health Center. To expedite review, a student may upload a Release of Information Form or the Provider’s release form as supporting documentation with the MLOA Request Form.
Once all of the information needed is submitted, the DOS will review the documentation as quickly as possible. The DOS will consult with the student’s Academic Administrator who will provide a recommendation regarding whether to grant or deny the MLOA and the terms of the MLOA, including the effective date, a schedule for the student to check in with the DOS during leave to assist the student in preparing to return, requirements for reinstatement to the University from a MLOA, and an estimated return date (“MLOA Terms”), all of which will be developed on a case-by-case basis, depending on the student’s specific circumstances. Absent emergency circumstances, the DOS will rely on the Academic Administrator to liaise with the student’s faculty members, as needed. MLOA requests will be reviewed by the DOS, who will convene a MLOA Committee with the Academic Administrator and other University employees, as needed to determine eligibility for a MLOA, the MLOA Terms, and/or the impact an MLOA may have on the student.
The goal of taking a MLOA is to facilitate a student’s return to the University with an increased opportunity for academic success, and students should take the time necessary to do so successfully. Leaves, however, are not permitted indefinitely. Because every student’s situation is different, the DOS will review the Provider’s recommendations regarding the length of the leave. If the MLOA is approved, the DOS will determine an estimated return date.
The Academic Administrator may review the student’s last date of attendance in classes, speak with faculty, and/or check the learning management system to make a recommendation regarding the appropriate effective date of the MLOA. The effective date of an MLOA may impact eligibility for refunds, in accordance with the University’s policies and procedures for refunds.
After considering all of the relevant information and recommendations, the DOS will convene the MLOA committee, determine whether to grant or deny the request for a MLOA, complete the MLOA Decision Form, including the MLOA Terms (if granted), and provide the decision to the student via their University-issued email address. For School of Medicine students, the DOS will coordinate, as needed, with the Committee on Students in accordance with the GUSOM Handbook. If the MLOA Committee cannot reach a consensus, the MLOA Committee can request a review by the Vice President of Student Affairs (“VPSA”) or the Executive Dean of GUSOM (for GUSOM students) and academic leadership, if applicable. The DOS may assign an appropriate University employee to check in with the student during the MLOA, to discuss strategies for success and available University resources, as appropriate.
The DOS may change any of the terms of the MLOA as needed to address the changing needs of the student and will consult with the Academic Administrator, University healthcare providers, and other University employees, as needed. If the DOS believes that changes are needed, such changes will be provided to the student in writing.
If the MLOA request is denied, the MLOA Decision Form will include the reasons for the denial and other possible options or resources available to address the student’s concerns, such as a personal leave of absence, subject to any relevant University or program policies, procedures, bulletins, handbooks, or rules.
In an emergency situation or where a student is having an acute crisis, such as when a student is hospitalized, or where the student has not been able to access their Provider to obtain the Provider’s recommendation, despite efforts to do so, the DOS has the discretion to permit a provisional MLOA prior to the student submitting the MLOA Request Form and Provider’s recommendation. The DOS may require that the student provide confirmation that the student has made an appointment with a Provider to obtain a recommendation in order to permit a provisional MLOA. If the DOS permits a provisional MLOA, the student is required to submit the MLOA Request Form and Provider’s recommendation and meet with the DOS as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in the MLOA not being approved. Upon receipt of the required documentation, the DOS will follow the process set forth above.
Returning from a MLOA
When a student is interested in returning to the University from a voluntary MLOA, the student must submit a Request for Reinstatement Form, which includes a personal statement from the student, including how the student used the MLOA to address their healthcare needs, the student’s plan to be successful upon return to the University, and any additional information that the student would like considered in regards to returning to the University.
A student who is seeking reinstatement and seeks on-campus housing must send a Notice of Intent to Be Reinstated with On-Campus Housing Form no later than:
- Fall semester – May 31
- Spring semester – November 1
- Summer semester – April 1 (does not apply to GUSOM students)
All students must submit a Request for Reinstatement Form by the deadlines below:
- Fall semester – June 30
- Spring semester – November 1
- Summer semester – April 1 (does not apply to GUSOM students)
A Request for Reinstatement Form submitted after the relevant deadline will still be considered; however, if information is missing or the review requires additional follow up or clarification, the DOS may delay consideration of a return until the following semester. If the student does not submit the Notice of Intent to Be Reinstated with On-Campus Housing Form by the deadlines set forth above, housing options may be limited on campus.
Unless otherwise stated in the MLOA Decision Form, a student’s Request for Reinstatement Form will need to be supported by a recommendation from a Provider(s). A student seeking reinstatement should request that a Provider(s) complete the Treating Healthcare Provider Reinstatement Recommendation Form or provide the student with a recommendation letter on the Provider’s letterhead, explaining:
- The student’s physical and/or mental health condition;
- The Provider’s treatment of the student before and during the MLOA;
- The student’s current clinical status;
- The Provider’s opinion regarding the student’s readiness to successfully resume academics, day-to-day functionality, and University life, with or without reasonable accommodations;
- Any recommendations regarding treatment, care, or other supports that will help the student in returning to the University; and
- A proposed date when the student will be ready to return to the University.
If a Treating Healthcare Provider Reinstatement Recommendation Form is required, the Request for Reinstatement Form must include Release of Information Form to permit the DOS to communicate with the Provider to better understand the recommendations for reinstatement and to share information with the Provider and from the Provider with University employees, such as employees in CAPS, Student Health Center, Academic Resource Center (“ARC”), Academic Administrators, Student Outreach and Support, or other University employees, as determined by the DOS. If a Provider has their own release form, the DOS can accept the provider’s form, as long as it authorizes the DOS to receive and share information with the Provider and share information from the Provider with University employees, as stated above.
The student may upload the Provider’s recommendation and Release of Information Form as supporting documentation with the Request for Reinstatement Form. The DOS has the discretion to waive these requirements to provide a Provider’s recommendation for reinstatement and release from a Provider.
The DOS may require the student to meet with the DOS if the DOS determines that a meeting is necessary to evaluate the Request for Reinstatement Form. Once the Request for Reinstatement Form is submitted, the DOS will contact the student to provide a meeting in person, by telephone, or through electronic means. The intent of the meeting is for the DOS to evaluate the student’s ability to safely return, refer the student to the ARC to request accommodations, if needed, and identify University services that will be available to the student upon return from a MLOA. The DOS has created a Guide as well as FAQs for the student to review.
Processing a Student’s Request to Return from a MLOA
Once all of the information needed is submitted, the DOS will conduct an individualized review of the personal statement and Provider’s recommendations for reinstatement. The purpose of this review is to determine the student’s readiness for reinstatement, including whether the student has completed the terms of the MLOA and whether the student can function academically and safely return to the University. The DOS will approve a student for reinstatement where the review demonstrates that the student is ready to resume studies and be a successful member of the campus community, with or without reasonable accommodations.
The DOS will consult with the student’s Academic Administrator who will provide a recommendation regarding reinstatement and academic needs of the student. The DOS will consult with appropriate University staff, including but not limited to, University healthcare providers, such as CAPS or the Student Health Center, the ARC, and the Office of Residential Living, and any other University employee the DOS determines is appropriate to seek input from in determining the Request for Reinstatement. The DOS will convene a MLOA Committee to review the Request for Reinstatement.
In conducting its review, the DOS gives significant weight to the opinion of a student’s Provider(s). During the process of reviewing a Request for Reinstatement, if the DOS determines that information provided by the Provider is incomplete, requires further explanation or clarification, or when there is a disconnect between the information provided by the Provider and other information in the student’s education records, the DOS will contact the Provider to obtain additional information, subject to receipt of the Release of Information Form.
In instances in which the discussion with the student’s Provider does not adequately clarify or explain the student’s ability to function academically and safely at the University, the DOS, in their sole discretion, may request that the student undergo an additional assessment by an independent evaluator to allow the University to make a determination about the student’s readiness for reinstatement. In those extraordinary circumstances, the DOS will notify the student of its rationale for making this request. The University will bear the cost of the assessment or evaluation.
Every effort will be made to respond to the student’s request for return within fifteen (15) business days of submission of all the required materials. A longer response time may be caused by the inability to reach a student’s Provider, high volume in the DOS’s office, or other extenuating circumstances. The DOS will complete the Reinstatement Decision Form, including the approved date of return and any terms of the reinstatement and provide it to the student to their University-issued email address. For School of Medicine students, the DOS will coordinate, as needed, with the Committee on Students in accordance with the GUSOM Handbook. If the MLOA Committee cannot reach a consensus, the MLOA Committee can request a review by the VPSA or Executive Dean of GUSOM (for GUSOM students) and academic leadership, if applicable.
If the student is approved for reinstatement, the DOS will notify relevant University offices, confirming the student’s date of return, including but not limited to, the student’s Academic Administrator, the Registrar’s office to re-enroll and/or remove any holds so that the student may register for classes, the Office of Financial Aid, the Office of Global Services, the Office of Global Education, and/or the Athletics Department, depending on the student’s unique needs. The DOS may assign an appropriate University employee to check in with the student after return, to discuss strategies for success and available University resources, as appropriate.
If, upon review, the DOS determines that a student is not ready for reinstatement, the student will be advised of the DOS’s determination in writing along with recommendations that will enhance the student’s chance of a positive determination the next time the student makes a request for reinstatement. The student is encouraged to complete the terms set forth in the MLOA Decision Form and to request reinstatement the following semester.
A student may appeal the DOS’s determination by submitting an appeal letter in writing to the Executive Dean of GUSOM or designee (for GUSOM students) or the VPSA or designee (for all other students) within ten (10) business days of receiving notice of the DOS’s decision. The appeal may be filed on solely one (1) or more of the following grounds:
- A specified procedural deviation from this MLOA Policy that would result in a different outcome;
- The discovery of new information that was not reasonably available at the time the outcome was determined, which, if known, would have resulted in a different outcome; and/or
- Incorrect facts were used to determine the outcome.
The student must provide documentation to support these grounds. Any medical information used in the appeal must include signed releases for the student’s treating providers to discuss pertinent information with the Executive Dean or VP.
The Executive Dean or VP will review the record and any additional information submitted by the student. The Executive Dean or VP may request to meet with the student and/or the DOS, at the Executive Dean’s or VP’s sole discretion, if the Executive Dean or VP seeks to clarify information provided by the student. The Executive Dean or VP will render a written decision to the student within five (5) business days of receiving the appeal or meeting with the student, whichever is later. The decision will be final and cannot be appealed or grieved.
Student Status during a MLOA
Once approved to take a Medical Leave of Absence, the student’s status changes to “Inactive with Privileges” (“IP”).
- A description of IP status for undergraduate students, except students enrolled in programs or courses at the School of Continuing Studies (“SCS”), is available in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
- A description of IP status for students enrolled in programs and courses at SCS is available in the “Leaves of Absence” Section of the SCS Student Handbook.
- A description of IP status for students enrolled in graduate students is in the Graduate Bulletin at the Section entitled “IP” Inactive Status with Privileges.
- A description of IP status for students enrolled in the School of Medicine is in the GUSOM Handbook at the Section entitled “Leaves of Absence”.
Disability Accommodations
Students with disabilities may be eligible for reasonable accommodations and/or special services in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008 (“ADA”). Students are responsible for communicating their requests for academic accommodations to the ARC. Detailed information on the process for requesting accommodations may be found on the ARC website.
If the student needs disability accommodations during the MLOA process, the student should contact the ARC to obtain necessary accommodations and may request provisional accommodations if the need for accommodation is urgently needed to process the MLOA request. If a student has been approved for disability accommodations that apply to the MLOA process, the student should provide the accommodation letter to the DOS so that the DOS can implement the accommodations during the review of a request for a MLOA. Disability accommodations do not apply while the student is on a MLOA and in inactive status.
When a student returns from a MLOA, if the student needs disability accommodations, the student is responsible for submitting a request for accommodations in accordance with the ARC’s policies and procedures. Requests for accommodations can be made in advance of the student being reinstated so that the student has any approved accommodations in place when the student returns.
Revised: 12/18/2024 (Effective 01/02/2025)