Student Outreach & Support (SOS)

Exterior of the Leavey Center in Spring with purple flowers blooming
Leavey Center in Spring with purple flowering tree

Welcome to Georgetown University’s Office of Student Outreach and Support! We are a team of dedicated professionals working under the Division of Student Affairs, to provide individualized support to any Georgetown student.  Our priority is to maintain a robust “safety net” for students who experience complex, personal difficulties, crises or distress that impacts their social, personal, and/or academic stability. We continue to grow a culture of care to ensure students receive holistic support in alignment with our Jesuit mission and traditions.

While maintaining our commitment to welcoming students with warmth, compassion, and authenticity, we aim to empower them to explore their own agency and decision-making. Students are whole, complex people, and deserve individualized care that centers each student in the context of their identities, cultures, values, and unique lived experiences.

This website will provide you with an overview of who we are, what we do, how to report a student of concern, and what happens after a Safety Net report is filed. 

If you have any questions, you can contact us at

How to find us!

The SOS Office is on the 5th floor of the Leavey Center. If you’re coming to us via Regents Hall, take the stairs or elevator to the 4th floor and head through Sellinger Lounge towards the Campus Bookstore. Take the hallway to the right of the bookstore, past the information desk and turn left before you reach the Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union.  There you’ll find two elevators and you can take them up to us on the 5th floor.