SOS Meetings: What to Expect

If you’ve never met with SOS before, it’s understandable if there is some confusion, uncertainty or stress at the prospect of coming to see us. We’re aware that most likely we are complete strangers, and it can be difficult to open up and build trust with someone you don’t know. Below is some information designed to help you feel more comfortable when you come to see us for the first time. If you have any questions before your meeting you are welcome to reach out via email (
Meeting Types
We meet with students Monday – Friday between the hours of 9am-5pm, but other times can be arranged if absolutely necessary.
We offer both in person and virtual appointments, so if you are away from campus, are a commuter student, you need support during a break, or you want to invite a loved one to our meeting, you don’t have to stress about coming to campus to get support.
Most meetings are 1:1 but support persons are welcome to join us with your consent.
Students can be referred to SOS from anyone on campus and for a variety of reasons and they are also welcome to self-refer if they need support.
While we do work with Student Conduct, we are not part of that team, and you are never being sent to us as a punishment, and nothing you tell us will get you in trouble.
Privacy vs. Confidentiality
Student Outreach & Support is not a confidential resource; however, all of your information will remain private as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). We will also do our best not to disclose any specifics of your concerns, unless absolutely necessary to provide support and advocacy.
All members of the SOS Team are mandated reporters, and are required to report disclosure of any sexual misconduct, but we are always available to speak with students managing these types of concerns. Alternatively, a list of confidential resources can be found here.
We are also required to disclose information if we believe that someone is at risk of doing harm to themselves, or to others.
If we are being connected through a confidential resource like CAPS, HES, or SARP you will have to choose to sign a release of information if you want us to be able to receive any information from them. There is no requirement to do this in order to get support, but it can oftentimes make it easier for us if we can all collaborate with you to figure out the best options.
Do not be discouraged by setbacks; God is always at work in your life.
Saint Ignatius